
Ice Castles 花逢月滿永不殘 電影主題曲 :  Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱 ) 聖誕快樂Merry Christmas!

謹以此曲向大家說 聖誕快樂Merry Christmas!


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電影 Ice Castles 花逢月滿永不殘 主題曲 :  Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱 )

片名 : Ice Castles (1978)

中文片名 : 花逢月滿永不殘


女主角 : Lynn-Holly Johnson


男主角 : Robby Benson


Ice Castles - Looking through the eyes of love

電影主題曲 :  Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱)



電影主題曲 :  Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱 )

It made famous Melissa Manchester's hit song, "Through the Eyes of Love."




華視曾經在周末電影院播過花逢月滿永不殘(Ice Castles)這部勵志的溜冰片,女主角  Lynn-Holly Johnson職業級的溜冰水準,搭配非常好聽的電影主題曲   Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱 ),不知感動多少人。….


有人會問:女主角是為了拍戲練習溜冰嗎?非也,事實上女主角  Lynn-Holly Johnson乃是1974年的溜冰冠軍,這部戲是專為她量身訂做的。花逢月滿永不殘(Ice Castles)197812月於全美上演時,國內票房有$18 million,算是很不錯。女主角  Lynn-Holly Johnson並因此片優秀的表現入圍金球獎(Golden Globe)的電影女性新人獎(New Star of the Year in a Motion Picture – Female)


花逢月滿永不殘(Ice Castles)片中女主角Alexis Winston( Lynn-Holly Johnson飾演) 因練習溜冰時腳勾到電線而摔傷,頭部枕葉(occipital lobe)受到重擊而導致失明。Alexis Winston因此自暴自棄,她的青梅竹馬小男友Nick Peterson(Robby Benson飾演)不離不棄,從頭開始鼓勵女主角重新出發。結尾是女主角成功的完成表演,全場觀眾並無人察覺女主角失明,按往例紛紛向場內拋擲玫瑰花向她喝采。小男友大喊:「糟了,flowers!」女主角踢到玫瑰花而因此被絆倒….在全場一片愕然時,小男友跳入溜冰場中牽起女主角的手…..這一幕不知感動多少人,當年的我初看此片也是熱淚盈眶。


電影主題曲   Through the Eyes of Love  ( Melissa Manchester主唱 )很適合在高中的管樂隊演奏,偶而在婚禮也有人演出。花逢月滿永不殘(Ice Castles)很適合情侶同看,格友如能向各個電影頻道反應重播,可使更多人能重溫舊夢。


Ice Castles Part 1





 (Melissa Manchester  主唱 )

Please, don't let this feeling end,
It's ev'rything I am,
Ev'rything I wanna be;
I can see what's mine now,
Finding out what's true,
Since I've found you
Lookin' through the eyes of love

Now I can take the time,
I can see my life
As it comes on shining now;
Reachin' out to touch you,
I can feel so much,
Since I've found you
Lookin' through the eyes of love.

And now I do believe,
That even in a storm, we'll find some light;
Knowin' you're beside me,
I'm alright.

Please, don't let this feelin' end,
It might not come again;
And I want to remember
How it feels to touch you;
How I feel so much,
Since I've found you
Lookin' through the eyes of love.



Ice Castles Ending - Looking Through The Eyes of Love (1979) 演奏版


再好好聽一次吧!謹以此曲向大家說 聖誕快樂Merry Christmas!



Ice Castles


女主角Lynn-Holly Johnson  有一張她今年的近照





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