
中央社記者 李佳霏 不敢翻譯這一段 台北6日電)馬英九的(統一)夢想會實現嗎?中國和台灣會統一在民主的旗幟之下嗎?許多外交事務專家會告訴馬,繼續做夢吧。 (Will Ma’s dream come true? Will China and Taiwan every reunite under the banner of democracy? Many foreign affairs experts would tell Ma to keep dreaming.)

In the past few months, however, Taiwan’s prospects have started to look rosier, thanks in large part to the country’s new president, Ma Ying-jeou. How is he saving the country? By being the world\'s best marriage counselor.  


美嘲諷雜誌:馬英九向中國求愛 有膽識

「心理牙線」 報導類似金酸莓

〔編譯陳成良、記者王寓中/綜合報導〕美國一本以類似「金酸莓」、「給我報報」的詼諧嘲諷手法為內容主軸的雜誌「心理牙線」(mental_floss) ,最新一期的封面故事將馬英九與非洲烏干達總統並列為「全球五大最具膽識領袖」,並以「跟中國求愛」(wooing China)來描述馬英九上榜的功績,反諷意味十足。

事實上,該刊在本期封面故事的介紹文字中便明白指出,這五位領導人「盡採用一些大膽點子及怪異作法」( is filled with the bold ideas and strange measures ),挖苦意味濃厚。


中央社轉載 盛讚馬「機智」


與馬並列為五大全球最具膽識領袖的,還有烏干達總統穆塞維尼(要戰勝愛滋病)、智利總統巴舍萊(要治療一個被刑求的國家)、德國總理梅克爾(要統一歐洲)、巴西總統魯拉(要讓拉丁美洲跳起來)。mental_floss解釋 ,「關鍵是這五個人的生命經歷都很不可思議」。以魯拉為例,文中稱他要讓拉丁美洲跳起來(galvanizing Latin America),但事實是魯拉所屬政黨不斷爆出貪污醜聞,然後他一直說他不知道。

府:報導事實 不必過度解讀

其實,「心理牙線」是一本走嘲諷詼諧路線的通俗刊物,相關報導是以反諷方式稱讚馬英九的「膽識」,只要將報導原文以「wooing China」(向中國求愛)描述馬上榜的功績,與「最有膽識的領袖」加以聯想,再加上文中不時出現的誇張語句(如「連太陽都被遮蔽了」),便不難推想箇中的反諷意味。

就報導原文看來,一開始便稱台灣和中國為兩個國家,馬自幼便被父親灌輸大中國思想,從美國學成歸國後又成為「最後一位獨裁者」蔣經國的「門徒」,所以,馬上任後「台灣與中國的關係幾乎立即獲得改善」。內文最後幾句最耐人尋味:「馬的(統一)夢想會實現嗎?中國和台灣會統一在民主的旗幟之下嗎?許多外交事務專家會告訴馬,繼續做夢吧。 (Will Ma’s dream come true? Will China and Taiwan every reunite under the banner of democracy? Many foreign affairs experts would tell Ma to keep dreaming.) 不過,二十五年前,這『兩個國家』 是不往來的;而今天他們卻互贈貓熊。沒什麼事情是不可能的。」

「心理牙線」(mental_floss)名稱的由來,是取「Dental floss」(牙線)的諧音,為二○○一年創刊的雙月刊雜誌。該刊網頁在「關於我們」做自我介紹時強調,該刊是給聰明人讀的,但也不能太聰明,因看完之後還得想一下,才會知道好笑的地方在那裡。(mental_floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent.)  該雜誌另一項財源收入,是販售印有搞笑諷刺標語的T恤。根據維基百科資料,該雜誌發行量約八千份。


(原文照登翻譯):Whether they re


healing a tortured nation, 智利總統巴舍萊 要治療一個被刑求的國家


 conquering AIDS, 烏干達總統穆塞維尼 要戰勝愛滋病


uniting Europe, 德國總理梅克爾 要統一歐洲


galvanizing Latin America, 巴西總統魯拉 要讓拉丁美洲跳起來


or wooing China, 馬英九 要跟中國求婚


these heads of state are proving that they have what it takes to change the world. 他們真有膽識



第45頁全文  from  Mental_Floss 有關馬英九的報導全文

The Importance of Tact
Ma Ying-jeou

The recent global downturn has darkened economic forecasts around the world, but in Taiwan, it nearly blotted out the sun. Last February, The Economist called the country\'s financial forecast "the ugliest of them all." Producing about 70 percent of the world\'s laptops and PDAs and 12 percent of its cell phones, Taiwan relies on the West to buy its high-tech gadgets. Unfortunately, Americans haven\'t been spending a lot of time at Best Buy lately.

In the past few months, however, Taiwan’s prospects have started to look rosier, thanks in large part to the country’s new president, Ma Ying-jeou. How is he saving the country? ...By being the world\'s best marriage counselor.

( 全球最佳的婚姻顧問)


Technically speaking, Taiwan is a part of China, but in reality, they are two separate countries with two separate identities. And, until recently, they rarely talked to each other. Although he was successful in driving out the Japanese during World War II, General Chiang Kai-shek lost the Chinese Civil War to the internal communist forces in 1949. He then fled to Taiwan, a Chinese island 100 miles off the coast. Vowing to reclaim the mainland, Chiang Kai-shek and his band of nationalists set up a military dictatorship in Taiwan, and the island remained in a state of perpetual (if stable) martial law until 1987. For nearly half a century, capitalist Taiwan (the Republic of China) and communist China (the People\'s Republic of China) had virtually no diplomatic relations, and travel between the two countries was strictly forbidden. The nations had separated but refused to reconcile or get divorced. After all, reconciliation would mean one nation giving in to the other, and divorce would lead to all-out war. Even now, China has hundreds of missiles pointed at Taiwan, which they threaten to launch should Taiwan declare independence. In case you were wondering how this affects the United States, the American government has sworn to protect Taiwan in the event of an invasion. If they go to war, we would probably go along with them.

Months before his death in 1988, Taiwan’s last dictator, Chiang Kai-shek’s son Chiang Ching-Kuo, allowed the nation to become a democracy. It was at this time that Ma Ying-jeou, the future president, first made his mark on the international scene.

Ma came from one of the families that had followed General Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan, and Ma’s father had decided that his only son’s life would have national purpose. The expectations were great. Ma was forced to study Chinese classics after school every day, and he was pressured to perfect his calligraphy. Ma’s father also made him run daily to rid him of any laziness.

While Ma hated every minute of it, the experience did instill a certain discipline. He obtained a law degree from NYU and a doctorate from Harvard before returning to Taiwan to teach. There, at age 37, Ma became the former dictator’s protege. The two shared a deeply held desire to reunite China and Taiwan under the banner of democracy.

Ma knew that the first step was getting the two nations on speaking terms again. Using his legal expertise, he drafted what would become known as the “1992 Consensus,” a masterpiece of diplomatic ambiguity. It declared there to be only “one China,” but let both countries interpret the phrase however the pleased. The flexible agreement opened up a dialogue with China that led to increased commerce between the two nations. It also helped Ma gain a reputation as a savvy politician, which, along with his general handsomeness, got him elected mayor of Taipei in 1998. (In a poll of Taipei women, asking which public figure they would most like to father their children, Ma was the resounding winner.)

Yet, mending fences with China would not prove simple. Ever since Taiwan became a democracy in 1987, there has been a sizable political movement to break away entirely. After all, Taiwan is an open society that believes in free speech and civil liberties. China, in spite of all its economic gains, is still rife with human rights violations, from Hong Kong to Tibet.

In 2000, Taiwan elected a pro-independence president, Chen Shui-bian, and diplomacy with China took a nosedive. Both countries began saber-rattling and imposing financial restrictions on one another. Their relationship took a turn for the ridiculous in 2005, when China offered Taiwan a goodwill gift of two pandas named Tuantuan and Yuanyuan—a play of the Chinese word for reunion. Taiwan officially rejected them. As trade between the two countries waned, Taiwan’s economy grew sluggish. Taiwan’s ties with the United States also became strained because the American government didn’t want to be dragged into a conflict with China.


For years, Taiwan and China weren’t talking; today, they’re giving each other pandas.

On March 22, 2008, Ma Ying-jeou was elected president of Taiwan by a wide margin, after campaigning on the idea of a “Great China market.” Modeled after the European Union, it would allow the free movement of goods and capital and encourage tourism between nations. In his inauguration speech, Ma reaffirmed his belief in the fantastically vague concept of “one China,” and Taiwan’s relationship with China improved almost immediately. Ma was able to sign a series of agreements that increased trade and investment across the Taiwan Strait, opening up vital parts of Taiwan’s service and manufacturing sectors to Chinese investors. Even more dramatically, Ma passed legislation to make air travel between the nations possible. On July 4, 2008, a commercial airplane brought passengers directly from China to Taiwan for the first time in nearly 60 years. Now, about 3,000 Chinese tourists arrive to invade Taipei’s shopping malls each day. Also, when China offered Taiwan the pandas Tuantuan and Yuanyuan again, President Ma gladly accepted them.

Improved relations with China have also translated into improved relations with the United States. Now that china and Taiwan aren’t belligerent towards each other, Westerners are again seeing Taiwan as a safe place to invest their money. Unfortunately, ma assumed office just as his country began to feel the effects of the global economic downturn. (In the first quarter of 2009, Taiwan’s economy shrank by a record 10.2 percent from a year earlier.) But many economists believe that, with money pouring in from both China and the United States, Taiwan may be on the road to recovery. Will Ma’s dream come true? Will China and Taiwan every reunite under the banner of democracy? Many foreign affairs experts would tell Ma to keep dreaming. But 25 years ago, these two countries weren’t talking at all; and today, they’re giving each other pandas. Anything is possible.


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The World's Gutsiest Leaders
By Jennifer Drapkin

老謀深算的重要 —— 






 馬英九的父母早年隨蔣介石來到台灣。馬英九從一出生,他的父親便對這個兒子寄予厚望 ,決定將他栽培成國家元首。從小,馬英九就在父親威逼之下,每天放學後不但要背誦中國古籍,還要勤練書法;馬父並且要求兒子每天慢跑,以革怠惰之弊。


儘管馬英九再怎麼心不甘情不願,父親的嚴厲管教畢竟造就了他守紀律的習性,使他在獲得紐約大學法學碩士之後,更上層樓獲得哈佛大學法學博士,並且在學成後回國任教。就在37 歲那年,馬英九成了大獨裁者蔣經國眼前的紅人。這兩人有著相同的信仰:就是中國與台灣在民主的大旗下完成統一大業。






公元2000年,台灣人民選出了一位獨派的總統陳水扁,兩岸關係因此急轉直下,雙方開始不停地互相挑釁,並且在金融往來上互相設限。兩岸原本的嫌隙,在2005 中國提議送給台灣一對貓熊,團團和圓圓(中文裡意味統一)作為親善禮物,卻遭到台灣方面拒絕之後,擴大到荒謬的境界。隨著兩岸經貿往來降低,台灣的經濟成長也開始緩慢停滯。此刻,台美關係也陷入緊張狀態,因為美國並不希望被捲進台灣與中國的糾紛。






Mental Floss 原文:The Importance of Tact -- Ma Ying-Jeou, President of Taiwan



美雜誌 馬總統列全球五大最具膽識領袖


與馬總統並列為五大全球最具膽識領袖的還有德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)、烏干達總統穆塞維尼(Yoweri_Museveni)、巴西總統魯拉(Luis InacioLula da Silva)與智利總統巴舍萊(MichelleBachelet)。








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