
尊貴的達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)2011年4月29日抵達東京護國寺為東日本大地震罹難者啟建四十九天慰靈法會Dalai Lama Prays for Quake-Tsunami Victims

Japan: Dalai Lama Prays for Quake-Tsunami Victims

尊貴的達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)星期五抵達日本,在東京的護國寺,為東日本大地震罹難者啟建四十九天特別慰靈法會








The 75-year-old monk, on his way to the US, prayed at Gokokuji temple in Tokyo for an hour. 達賴喇嘛,這位 75歲的長老僧侶,途中到美國,在護國寺寺廟祈禱在東京一小時 






達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)尊者在東京為日本大地震遇難者舉行法會





達賴喇嘛將從5月1號至14號在美國展開為期兩週的訪問,5月4號將訪問美國加州州立大學出席大赦國際成立50週年慶典,並接受全球人權獎。 ”

















Japan: Dalai Lama Prays for Quake-Tsunami Victims




On his first visit to Japan since last month's mega-quake and tsunami, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama today offered prayers at a Buddhist temple for victims of the disaster that crippled a nuclear plant and claimed thousands of lives, and encouraged survivors to look to the future with full confidence.

The 75-year-old monk, on his way to the US, prayed at Gokokuji temple in Tokyo for an hour, seven weeks after a magnitude-9 quake and tsunami devastated Japan's northeast leaving nearly 30,000 people dead or unaccounted for.

His prayers for the victims came a day after Buddhist priests in black and gold robes chanted and rang bells to mark the 49th day since the twin disaster. Buddhist services are normally held to mark the day in the belief that it is when the souls of the dead depart for another world.

The Dalai, who announced last month that he wanted to shed his political role in the Tibetan government-in-exile, told the Japanese people not to feel discouraged and look to the future with full confidence.

Around 3,000 people had converged at the temple to hear the Dalai.

The Dalai's visit to Japan en route to his 15-day US tour came as the government here grappled with the aftermath of the March 11 disaster.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said the situation at the radiation-leaking Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan's northeast has "definitely improved" but still requires close monitoring.

Commission members met in Washington yesterday to assess the nuclear emergency in Japan.

One of the members said that US nuclear experts continue to provide support in Japan, adding that private US companies have joined the effort, national broadcaster NHK reported.

The commission members will meet again on May 12 and issue a short-term analytical report on the Fukushima plant.

They also discussed how to deal with possible loss of external power at nuclear power stations in the United States.

Meanwhile, bullet train services on the disaster-stricken Tohoku Shinkansen Line fully resumed between Tokyo and Shin-Aomori today for the first time in 50 days since last month's mega quake and tsunami, Kyodo news agency reported.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan today acknowledged that his government was also responsible for the ongoing radiation crisis at the Fukushima plant, which is run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).

"Although Tokyo Electric Power is primarily responsible for the crisis, the government, which has promoted the use of nuclear energy for power generation, cannot escape responsibility," for the accident, Kan was quoted as saying by Jiji Press at a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting to discuss the fiscal 2011 supplementary budget.

The extra budget of over four trillion yen, or about USD 49 billion, submitted to the Diet, Japanese Parliament, yesterday is aimed at financing reconstruction work.

Kan said the government would make utmost efforts to end the nuclear crisis as early as possible and ensure sufficient compensation to individuals and industries affected by the crisis. However, he denied that the costs of compensation would be fully borne by the government.

The government is also envisaging taking legislative steps to set up a reconstruction agency within a year after enforcement of its planned basic law on reconstruction, Kyodo said.

The bill for the law is expected to be formalized and submitted to Parliament tomorrow.

The draft of the law defines the envisioned reconstruction agency as an "administrative organization to draw up and coordinate various measures for reconstruction of stricken areas with an eye to coordinating the measures," the report said.




Dalai Lama prays for tsunami victims in Japan

Junji Kurokawa

A woman gets emotional at a Buddhist special prayer for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami conducted by Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama at Gokokuji temple in Tokyo, Friday, April 29, 2011.

The Dalai Lama has presided over prayers for victims of Japan's tsunami at a temple in Tokyo.

The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists led a group of monks as they chanted on the 50th day since a magnitude-9.0 earthquake triggered a powerful tsunami on March 11.

He told the crowd Friday that despite the suffering and destruction there is "no reason to feel discouraged and remain hopeless,"

In many Japanese schools of Buddhist thought, the dead wander near their homes for 49 days before heading into their next stage of existence on the 50th day.

The Dalai Lama also encouraged survivors to "work hard, with full self-confidence."

The earthquake and tsunami are believed to have killed nearly 26,000 people.

Read more:




賴喇嘛达赖喇嘛高雄巨蛋祈福法會全記錄(20090901上午) 尊貴的達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)達賴喇嘛 為為台灣2009年莫拉克(Morakot)颱風_88水災 台灣土地與人民祈福行程




達賴喇嘛小林記事 (from 網路 歡迎引用或轉寄 ) 達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama )尊者2009年08月31日赴小林村 為莫拉克(Morakot)颱風 八八水災罹難者舉行超渡法會









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