The United States Constitution 美國憲法: First Amendment - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.國會不得制定關於下列事項的法律:確立國教或禁止信教自由;剝奪言論自由或出版自由;或剝奪人民和平集會和向政府請願伸冤的權利。 Fifth Amendment - Search and Seizure. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.人民的人身、住宅、文件和財產不受無理搜查和扣押的權利,不得侵犯。除依據可能成立的理由,以宣誓或代誓宣言保證,並詳細說明搜查地點和扣押的人或物,不得發出搜查和扣押狀。
活動發生的警察暴力行為。 在遊行結束後﹐ 很多民眾聚集在MacArthur Park(一
個大公園)﹐ 有媽媽帶著小孩子﹐ 有賣熱狗的攤販﹐ 有記者在現場﹐ 也有很多情
緒還很高亢的民眾。 基本上﹐ 這些人並沒有做出任何傷害他人的活動。
後來﹐有一群10 - 20 人﹐拿石頭丟包圍在公園外面的警察。
洛杉磯警察局沒有立即逮捕那幾個人﹐卻派了警察到場以警棍打人﹐ 放瓦斯彈﹐
以塑膠彈 攻擊民眾﹐ 也攻擊在場的記者(好熟悉的畫面﹐台灣不久之前才發生)。
一共有200多民眾及記者受傷﹐ 以及18名警察也受傷。
在這件事發生後﹐ 洛杉磯警察馬上受到各界的譴責。 更有許多人權團體出面指責警方的暴力驅離動作。
誰出面調查警察呢﹖ 洛杉磯的檢查官以及FBI都負責調查警察是否違反人權。
accept full responsibility for it occurring on my watch.'
1. Planning: LAPD commanders underestimated crowds for the immigration
protest and turned away more officers who could have helped control the
2. Resources: A sound truck to help disperse the crowd never arrived. A
dispersal order from a helicopter was only given in English. Not enough
officers were inside the park to control the crowd.
3. Command: Top commanders bickered and gave confusing and contradictory
orders. Officers said their radio requests for orders were ignored. It was
unclear who was in charge.
4. Tactics: Officers ignored LAPD policies by using batons and less-than-lethal
or simply standing in place.
警方除了出面說明承認錯誤﹐更有26個警察因為過份使用暴力而接受 內部調查﹐而
這是一個有法﹐有理的國家﹐ 執法者做錯了﹐ 就是需要出來承認錯誤﹐面對懲罰。
資料來源﹕ 2007/oct/10/local/me-melee10